个人简介(300字) 史延,2023年获浙江大学博士学位,同年加入复旦大学生殖与发育研究院/附属妇产科医院进行博士后研究。博士期间主要从事哺乳动物早期胚胎发育过程中关键转录调控因子对谱系特化的影响及机制,以第一作者或共同一作在PLoS Genetics、Biology of Reproduction、Reproduction(1篇)等主流杂志发表SCI论文5篇。博士后期间将继续从事哺乳动物谱系分化过程中的表观遗传调控机制。
代表性论文(#第一作者,*通讯作者) Shi, Y.#, Zhao, P.#, Dang, Y., Li, S., Luo, L., Hu, B., Wang, S., Wang, H., and Zhang, K. (2021). Functional roles of the chromatin remodeler SMARCA5 in mouse and bovine preimplantation embryos. Biol Reprod 105, 359-370. Shi, Y., Hu, B., Wang, Z., Wu, X., Luo, L., Li, S., Wang, S., Zhang, K., and Wang, H. (2023). Functional role of GATA3 and CDX2 in lineage specification during bovine early embryonic development. Reproduction165, 325-333. Luo, L.#, Shi, Y.#, Wang, H.#, Wang, Z., Dang, Y., Li, S., Wang, S., and Zhang, K. (2022). Base editing in bovine embryos reveals a species-specific role of SOX2 in regulation of pluripotency. PLoS Genet 18, e1010307. Li, S.#, Shi, Y.#, Dang, Y., Hu, B., Xiao, L., Zhao, P., Wang, S., and Zhang, K. (2022). Linker histone H1FOO is required for bovine preimplantation development by regulating lineage specification and chromatin structure. Biol Reprod 107, 1425-1438. Li, S.#, Shi, Y.#, Dang, Y.#, Luo, L., Hu, B., Wang, S., Wang, H., and Zhang, K. (2021). NOTCH signaling pathway is required for bovine early embryonic development. Biol Reprod 105, 332-344.
其他论文: Dang, Y.N.#, Li, S.#, Zhao, P.P.#, Xiao, L.Y., Wang, L.F., Shi, Y., Luo, L., Wang, S.H., Wang, H.A., and Zhang, K. (2022b). The lysine deacetylase activity of histone deacetylases 1 and 2 is required to safeguard zygotic genome activation in mice and cattle. Development 149. Dang, Y., Luo, L., Shi, Y., Li, S., Wang, S., and Zhang, K. (2022a). KDM5-mediated redistribution of H3K4me3 is required for oocyte-to-embryonic transition in cattledagger. Biol Reprod 106, 1059-1071. Wang, H., Wang, L., Wang, Z., Dang, Y., Shi, Y., Zhao, P., and Zhang, K. (2020). The nucleolar protein NOP2 is required for nucleolar maturation and ribosome biogenesis during preimplantation development in mammals. Faseb J34, 2715-2729. Zhao, P.#, Wang, H.#, Wang, H.#, Dang, Y., Luo, L., Li, S., Shi, Y., Wang, L., Wang, S., Mager, J., et al. (2020). Essential roles of HDAC1 and 2 in lineage development and genome-wide DNA methylation during mouse preimplantation development. Epigenetics 15, 369-385. 邱金龙, 史延, 李爽, 张坤 (2020). 牛活体采卵和体外胚胎生产技术的应用现状和展望.浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 1-11.
代表性著作 暂无
获奖 浙江省优秀毕业研究生,2023